Are You a Tenor Who Mistakingly Thinks He’s a Baritone?


You are born with your voice type. You can’t train your way out of it. Voice classification is not an exact science and the worse your singing, the harder it is for your voice to be classified at all.

I believe that what happened in my case is more common than people know. Most men have the same underlying vocal problem. It’s a problem caused by partial lower throat closure (false vocal fold constriction), that contributes to pressed phonation (pressing the vocal folds together too hard). It is, in part, caused by multiple flaws in one’s manner of breathing.

I explain the result of this in the video. It’s related to where the voice wants and needs to shift from chest resonance to head resonance. To those strange points in our voice we call “passaggios”, or “passages” between “registers”.

What’s The Takeaway?

Don’t worry so much about your voice classification, especially at first. And, remember, voice types were created by composers for composers. You may not ever really need to know.

Once you’ve fixed and turbo-charged your breathing, and learned to keep your lower throat open, you’ll have access to your full range and your proper passaggios will reveal themselves.

Be well,
Joe Naab, Vocal Nebula

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