Singing Tips | How to Open a Blocked Nose Quickly


Today’s Singing Tip

I use today’s singing tip several times each week. The tip is simple. It is important to the quality of our sound and the comfort of making sound during our vocal training that our nasal passages be open. This is true even when we don’t feel sick or congested.

A great way to open the nasal passages is to take a sniff of a tiny amount of peppermint essential oil. Don’t use too much! You can also dab a little of it on the inside of your nose so that you breath it for several minutes before it loses it’s strength. This will open your nasal passages quickly and can even wake you up if you’re tired.

Yes, you do need to go buy some essential oil. Know that it lasts a long, long time. I’m still on my first small jar and it will last another few years, I think. Give it a try!