
Workout Collections – Air Power and Sirens

This course contains a full collection of audio, video and pdf resources for the workouts you learned in the Air Power and Siren Core Training course. Further, you will find new lessons and resources that weren’t included in the initial course.

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Air Power and Siren Core Training Course

Air Power and Siren Training

This course is both a pre-requisite for the HypoSiren course, as well as an excellent stand-alone course for those on a budget. You’ll receive the very best posture and breathing instruction available, re-enforced with workout videos and other resources that allow you to train effectively on your own at home. You will also learn how to perform siren training with multiple semi-occluded exercises, primarily the amazing straw phonation in water exercise, as well as the popular lip trill and hum.

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Mix Voice, Placement and Vocal Registers

In this course you will add to your knowledge about the “actions” behind what is referred to as mix voice, vocal placement and vocal registers. This course is more conceptual and not about training and exercises, because you will already be training these skills following the exercises and workouts in the core curriculum. These concepts are also more advanced and not for everyone.

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Air Power and Siren Core Training Course

Strong High Notes without Straining

In this course you’ll gain a better understanding of where vocal strain and constriction happen in the voice. You’ll also learn what is meant by “strong high notes”. You’ll be given a strategy to develop a workout program that helps to eliminate vocal strain permanently while simultaneous increasing and strengthening your vocal range.

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New Students START HERE!

This course is intended for both singers and curious voice coaches alike. The intention is to help your decide quickly if I teach in a way that’s compatible with what you’re after.

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